The first company I would like to make a logo for would be for a watch. This watch would be designed for the average beach goer, so it will be ocean/water/sand proof. It will be designed for the target audience of 14 - 30.
The next logo I would like to create would be for a sports clothing company, much like Quiksilver. Same target audience as above. My company will sell things like pants, shoes, shirts, hoodies, backpacks, etc.
I would like to create a logo for a type of computer/laptop company that will be windows based. These types of computers will be high performance and gaming based. The laptops will be great for students looking to be new media production majors.
I would like to design a logo for my very own bank. My bank will be super cool and have free checking and savings accounts. It will give out loans to any reasonable request. Also this bank will allow any ATM withdraw with no charge at all. My bank will have good hours as well, that the average working can actually manage with, in order to make deposits.
My last company I would like to make a logo for is a new gaming platform to compete with the ps3, xbox360, and Wii. Mine will be cross platform capable, meaning it can operate online games with other consoles such as the ones listed above. It will be able to play Blu-Ray disks and the games designed for it will be in full HD, I'm talking 1080p not this half ass 720p bull crap.
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